Sunday, March 16, 2008

** "B"E"A"U"T"Y" **


I just attended a function recently, wherein students were running here and there with a lot of enthusiasm. Everyone was admiring one another....
" Ah! How beautifull is your earing"
" woo... Don tell me, yaa saree is marvellous"
" wow! You lukin so pretty like a doll"
" Cool man! Where did you get this shirt from. Lookin too smart!"etc..etc...
Others came running asking "How am i! How am i"!

Like a silent spectator sitting lonely and amused, I was wondering "Does anyone (the 'i am' within) gets beautifull only on dressing up the physical body and through external make up"?! "NO".
Does beauty come from outside?! "NO"
Beauty comes from within and not from without.!
This does not mean not to take care of your physical body!
It is ALSO important to enhance your personality in this society of HUMANS!But it is the not the everything. Its just given to u for some period, to take care off. You owe this to someone high up!
Your Body is the temple of your soul.
Is it good to take care of the temple and forget the God within?!
Is it good to take care of the body and forget about the Real YOU?!

Grand master choa kok sui says,"Weaknesses have layers like an onion, They must be disintegrated again and again until they are replaced with Right thought, Right words, and Right actions."
This means we got to disintegrate and remove the weaknesses from within. It is not just enough to remove the external scars. How many years will this physical body accompany you? Say, 50.. or 60.. or 70..? Then?!!! [:O]
Remember "Your own physical body is going to ditch you one day" [Then, how long you think will it take for other human forms to do the same.. hehe...;)]
So, Lets start thinking from today! Because tommorow it may be late and thus get difficult too".!

What you see is what you are... So start seeing yourself and all others as IMMORTAL and not just temporary forms!
Its not enough to admire one's external beauty alone. Lets start admiring one's internal beauty from today. Like...
"Ah.. How honest he is"
"Wow... So generous you are"
"Great... He is too humble"
"Lovely... you are really forgivng" etc... etc...

Theirby i conclude by telling "Take care of your self (the immortal soul) and enhance your inner beauty. Want to know how? Interested in getting beautifull?
Learn pranic healing and Arhatic yoga ! :)


Unknown said...

external beauty is important but wat is inside tat external is very very important..ive felt it many times the most externally beautifull persons are many often worst but not all..the quality of the soul matters the most in wat everbody they are in..ALL THAT GLITTERS ARE NOT GOLD..

Balaji Palanisamy said...

your discussion makes me think deeper..
i sometimes feel we do not have the eye for beauty.! look around... God's creation.. we do not have time to enjoy the beauty in this very physical world.. we should be developing this eye for the beauty, rather we develop eye for the other things which are not beautiful..
how can we see the inner beauty if we cannot see and appreciate the outer beauty?

its like, if one cant respect another human being as a human being, how can one respect the divinity within him/her?!

Bubbles :) said...

i am relly proud of you meenu.. for postin such stuff which relly made me think over few thins which has happened in my life and our gang.. actually ure right. words do have so much power. keep bloggin.. i lowe them :) lowe ya..

Gayatri Bhadran said...

i just nodded along to every word that you typed here.

i agree completely! =) but also, first impression that a person gets IS external beauty. so it is kind of important to look good!

of course the honesty and generosity follows, but it wouldn't kill to doll up once in a while! =D

y.meena said...

thanks for readin n the comments
ya tats true, external beauty is ALSO neccessary to be in thiS society of humans!, though it doesnt help for long term..
ya, but external beauty gives happiness for the time being!

i dont say it is wrong.
I say, its not everything... :)
Lets ALSO luk for internal beauty:)

Vighnesh said...

Simple way of expressing B-E-A-U-T-Y is by

loving the creation of God. The non living

things are also creations of God. You

project energy of love, you will receive

lots of love. :)

And if you remember the secret, The

genie will say, "Your Wish is MY

I heard of a movie called Monalisa Smiles through a friend of mine. In that, a teacher will teach a child to admire and see the beauty of God's creations all around.
Heard its a nice movie... Waiting for a nice time to see that. ;)

Vighnesh said...

You can externally itself Love God's Creation. ;)

y.meena said...

If you love God's creation more than God, you will be disillusioned.-
swami vivekanandha :)

Balaji Palanisamy said...


seems like mr.vighnesh supporting my point of discussion with many examples. thanks a lot buddy.

the purpose of existence right now is to delevop love, how we do, might not matter as long as heart is activated enough for the crown to be activated.